Philosophy Minyan
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 • 26 Adar 5785
12:00 PM - 1:30 PMZoom VideoconferenceWhen 20,000 Jewish Women Had a Queen Esther Moment
March is Women’s History Month — and along with Purim on the Jewish calendar — what better time could there be to commemorate a moment when 20,000 young immigrant Jewish women took to the streets in a courageous pursuit of fair and equitable treatment? The 1909 “Uprising of 20,000,” as it became known, was then the largest strike to date in American history. What gave these poor, Yiddish-speaking teenagers and young adults the audacious tenacity to speak truth to power? What impact did raising their voices and acting in solidarity have on those who opposed them and on the American labor union movement? In a previous era of “ideological ferment and economic struggles,” as described in the Jewish Women’s Archive, this true story can uplift and inspire us today.
The Philosophy Minyan is a monthly lunchtime series on Zoom. All are welcome to join in an interactive and thought-provoking exploration of topics at the intersection of philosophy, Jewish thought and contemporary issues. No advance reading is required and participants will receive online access to all the class materials following each session.
Be sure to check the Beth Am calendar for future class descriptions and any schedule changes, as well as to register for individual sessions.
If you would like to be added to the email list for monthly Philosophy Minyan reminders and the Zoom link, or have a great topic you would like to suggest, please contact Shelley.
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Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
Upcoming Events

Israel Discussion Gatherings
Friday, Mar 28th 5:15p to 6:15pJoin with other Beth Am members every Friday before the Erev Shabbat service for time to reflect, discuss and listen to one another as we navigate this terribly challenging time for Israel and Jews around the world.

Erev Shabbat Service
Friday, Mar 28th 6:15p to 7:30pOur worship services are musical, participatory and informal in spirit; they focus on helping us experience the spiritual renewal, peace, joy and sense of celebration that Shabbat can bring.

Illustrated Medieval Haggadot
Shabbat, Mar 29th 4:00p to 5:30pThis presentation examines several of the most beautiful and interesting examples of the illustrated medieval Haggadah, comparing the variety of styles, images and artistry among them.

The Braid Performance: "Hold Me, Heal Me" - True stories of kindness that will heal your heart.
Shabbat, Mar 29th 7:30p to 9:00pIn a world full of brokenness, these true Jewish stories of kindness will make you laugh, cry, and want to do good. Experience them all in a theatre show that "Broadway World" calls “a bolt of hope.”

Concert for Ukraine: Pamela Rose Presents “Wild Women of the Sixties”
Sunday, Mar 30th 2:00p to 3:30pMany of the unforgettable songs of the 1960’s were written by women – and most of those women were Jewish. Pamela Rose, along with pianist Josh R. Burt and Kristen Strom on saxophone, will deliver a thrilling and soulful, live concert featuring songs from the soundtrack of that generation.
Congregation Beth Am | 26790 Arastradero Road | Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 | (650) 493-4661
We strive to live as a holy community whose study and practice of Judaism inspires and challenges us to "do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with our God" (Micah 6:8).
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