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The prayer life of Congregation Beth Am is both personal and communal, offering quiet, meditative moments as well as community celebration. Our worship is musical and participatory, inclusive and intergenerational, egalitarian and welcoming. Our aim is to engage with the rich liturgical tradition we have inherited by continually infusing it with new and creative energy and inspiration.

We are a theologically diverse congregation. We pray to God; we question God; we take seriously all opinions and concerns related to faith. Our personal reasons for entering the sanctuary are also diverse. Therefore, our prayers range from contemplative and comforting to joyful and exuberant. And finally, congregational worship is where we share our personal moments with the community — the naming of newborns, celebrating our B’nei Mitzvah, offering blessings for newlyweds, anniversaries and other milestones, and honoring the loss of loved ones and friends. In these moments we give and receive the warmth of a “mazel tov” or the open hand of comfort and consolation.

Strengthened by participating in a vibrant worship community and by personal spiritual practice, we are able to give our best energies to fulfilling our congregational mission: We strive to live as a holy community whose study and practice of Judaism inspires and challenges us to “do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with our God" (Micah 6:8).

Cycle of Life
Worship Services
Mi Shebeirach — Healing Prayer List
From the Bima
Jewish Holiday Calendar
Live Streaming
Shabbat Corner
Torah Blessings
Video Archive

The Marder Endowment for Living Torah supports educational and worship programs and opportunities. 

The Worship Fund supports Shabbat and festival programming, purchase and replacement of the congregation’s prayer books and repair or purchase of ritual items.

Please consider making a gift to one of these  funds in honor or memory of a loved one.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785