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September Tzedakah Box: MOVE MV

Starting September 3, CalTrain will begin repaving on El Camino Real, which will displace households living in cars and RVs along El Camino Real, including several families with children. The City of Palo Alto has approved a plan to expand its safe parking program, providing significantly more space at the existing safe parking site. The City will also consider funding for it at their mid-year budget review at the end of the year. But, funding is needed in order to get the program up and running NOW for those families facing more imminent displacement.

MOVE Mountain View is the non-profit operating the safe parking site.

About MOVE Mountain View: Every planning and program choice MOVE Mountain View makes is directed by one question: How will this empower the people we serve to achieve housing? The MOVE Mountain View Safe Parking Program provides a reserved place for clients to call “home” during their housing search. The security of this setting should not be underestimated. The work of locating housing is hard and requires the focus and clarity that a stable safe location provides. MOVE Mountain View utilizes the stable environment of safe parking and the skill-enabling counseling by case managers to assist vehicle dwellers in Mountain View and Palo Alto in their search for practical and affordable housing.

Your generous donations will help break the cycle of intergenerational poverty and one of its most visible symptoms: homelessness. For more information, visit movemv.org.

A donation can be made:

  • on our website
  • @Beth-Am on Venmo
  • by check made payable to “Congregation Beth Am” mailed to the Administrative Office as follows:

Congregation Beth Am
Attn: Tzedakah Box — MOVE MV
26790 Arastradero Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Thank you.

Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784