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Teen Programming

There is more than one way to be Jewish, and we encourage you to get involved in whatever way fits your busy life. We have a diverse range of programs, classes and activities for middle school and high school students, some of which are led by students and some of which are for teens to kick back and enjoy.

Youth Groups
Teen Nights
Israel Experiences

Madrichim (8th-12th Grades)

Teens gain valuable work or volunteer experience in their role as Madrichim (student teachers) in our Youth Education programs.

Madrichim Team Members gain valuable work or volunteer experience in their role as Madrichim (student teachers) in our programs.  They serve as role models for our younger students and develop critical leadership skills.

8th graders are invited to be part of our Madrichim-In-Training (MIT) program, a key stepping stone to working within our Madrichim Team. This year-long program builds a toolbox for supporting the cognitive, social and emotional development of each age group.  

To join the Madrichim Team or MIT Program, teens should register through the Youth Education registration system, and we will send you an application!

Questions? Contact Leah Shapiro, Youth Engagement Program Director.

Youth Groups
Beth Am Youth Groups offer exciting programs to engage our older youth and teens. 

Beth Am Temple Youth — BATY (9th-12th Grades): BATY is a community for 9th-12th graders, made by high schoolers for high schoolers. Our teen youth group provides a space for teens to connect with one another through relaxing social mixers and hands-on social, cultural and social action experiences that build a meaningful teen community. 

Beth Am Junior Youth — BAJY (6th-8th Grades): Our middle school youth group is a special community space for 6th-8th graders. Events include social, cultural and social action experiences, as well as opportunities for peer leadership.

Teen Nights
Our 8th-12th graders create their own vibrant teen community on Wednesday nights, building relationships and engaging in deep learning opportunities taught by our clergy and educators. Learn more.

Israel Experiences: One of our teens came back from Israel last summer and said, "I fell in love with my homeland and with Judaism for the first time." We cannot simulate it; there is no replacing experiencing Israel yourself. By traveling to Israel with their peers, teens open their minds and hearts to the experience in a way they can't on a family trip. We hope that all Beth Am teens will be able to go to Israel, ideally the summer after Confirmation on NFTY in Israel.

Summer Opportunities:
NFTY in Israelyes a Beth Am-recommended Israel experience
BBYO in Israel

School Year Opportunities:
URJ Heller High School — yes a Beth Am-recommended Israel experience (includes a trip to Eastern Europe)
SF Bay Area Community Birthright Trips
March of the Living (Poland & Israel)
Diller Teen Fellows (Israel trip may be in summer, but the program is a school year commitment)
Alexander Muss High School in Israel

18 & Older
Taglit-Birthright Israel — also available for young adults who have already participated on teen trips to Israel

Please consider making a gift to one of these funds in honor or memory of a loved one:

The Jacob Erber Steinberg Youth Programming and Scholarship Fund supports youth education programs and other youth programming at Beth Am. The fund provides need-based full or partial scholarships for Beth Am youth to participate in youth programs. This may include scholarship support for youth opportunities outside Beth Am, such as Jewish camp, leadership training programs or Israel trips. 

The Youth Education, Camp and Israel Scholarship Fund
Provides needs-based scholarships for Beth Am youth to participate in formal and informal youth education, including classes, camp and trips to Israel.

Youth Group Fund
Supports BATY and BATY programming.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785