Streaming FAQs
Tips to Solve Problems Connecting to the Livestream
Other Platforms to View Livestreams
Livestream Services on Television
During an Event/Service
Accessing a Recording After the Service/Event
Support Beth Am Livestreaming
Tips to Solve Problems Connecting to the Livestream
Q: I can't seem to get the livestream to work or my connection drops. What can I do?
A: Please visit our Livestream Start Instructions page for some potentially helpful information. Alternatively, try viewing the stream on the Beth Am Facebook page (you don't need a Facebook account) or the Beth Am Youtube Channel.
Q: What time will streaming of a live service/event begin?
A: Typically, streaming will begin at the scheduled start time of the service/event.
Q: Explain the two viewing windows, one for the Beit Kehillah and one for the Sanctuary. How can l know where to view the livestreamed service?
A: We have separate systems in the Sanctuary and Beit Kehillah where most streamed events take place. To enable us the option to stream simultaneously from both locations, we have video feeds for both displayed on our streaming webpage. When we are live streaming in just one location, one video feed will be live while the other is dark. The location can be usually identified in the service or featured events calendar. But if you have tried the tips above and don't see anything streaming at the start time of the event/service, please scroll up or down and try the other location panel.
Other Platforms to View Livestreams
Q: How do I view services on Facebook?
A: Erev Shabbat services are no longer live streamed to the Beth Am Facebook page. Links to recordings of events and speakers are often available here.
Q: How do I view services on YouTube?
A: Erev Shabbat services (as well as High Holy Day services) are no longer streamed to the Beth Am Youtube Channel (you don't need to be a Youtube subscriber to access it). Recordings of events and speakers are often available here.
Q: How do I view services or programs on Zoom?
A: If you want to join a program or event that is taking place on Zoom, you will need the connection information (either the link or the meeting ID and passcode). The connection information is available in the confirmation email you receive by registering for the event (you can check the information in the calendar event), or the event organizer may have shared the information with you. It is OK to register for an event multiple times if you have misplaced the information.
Livestream Services on Television
Please note that these are references only and that Beth Am cannot provide any technical support.
Q: How can I livestream services on my television?
A: For advice on how to connect your computer screen to your television, please refer to 7 Ways to Get Your Computer Screen On Your TV by David Nield, which appeared on on 7/16/20. Additionally, see Tips for Watching Livestreams on Your TV, with thank to Hershey Felder.
Q: Why is the image on my screen suddenly blurry?
A: Viewing issues are almost always caused by the quality of a user's internet or home wifi connection. Beth Am livestreams on a high-quality network connection to our streaming provider, StreamSpot. It is extremely rare that full-quality video cannot be maintained. On these rare occasions quality may be degraded to maintain a continuous stream.
Q: What Shabbat prayerbook does Beth Am use and where can I purchase a copy so that I can use to follow along?
You may follow along in our texts for the Erev (evening) Shabbat service and the morning Shabbat service using the Kindle version of the Mishkan T'filah: A Reform Siddur. Want to own your own hardcopy prayerbook? Order it here.
Accessing a Recording After the Service/Event
Q: Can I see the service/talk again afterwards?
A: We generally post the video and transcripts of sermons and speakers remarks within a few days of the service/event. Visit our video archive page for details. Some recordings of services, sermons and guest speakers are available on the Beth Am YouTube channel.
Q: How long do recordings remain available?
A: Beth Am maintains video recordings on a third party hosting site with the intention to retain them on a long-term basis. However, this cannot be guaranteed. If interested in retaining a video recording, individuals should download a copy rather than depending on permanent access through Beth Am.
Q: How do I get a recording of a special event or blessing that occurred during a service that is not available online?
A: You may send an email to with your request. We will try to honor all reasonable requests.
Q: How can I support streaming at Beth Am?
A: Donations to Beth Am General Fund to help make streaming possible are always appreciated. Many thanks to the Beth Am Men’s group and an anonymous congregant who have underwritten the cost of the equipment.
If you have tried troubleshooting using Tips to Solve Problems Connecting to the Livestream on this page and are still having trouble, please email to share any issues you are experiencing. We cannot provide real time assistance with requests, but will respond when we can. Most inquiries are responded to within 1-2 days.