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Shabbat Corner

Welcome to the Shabbat Corner! We'd like to connect you to a thoughtful and diverse collection of reflections on Shabbat through the Union for Reform Judaism's Shabbat Blog.

In addition, please see below for Shabbat materials that we've gathered: melodies and demonstrations for the Friday night prayers for candles; wine and challah as well as Havdalah; and favorite Beth Am Shabbat recipes. We hope this project enhances your enjoyment of this beautiful weekly holiday, and we wish you a peaceful and joyful Shabbat.

"How-To" Celebrate Shabbat
Erev Shabbat Table Service
Challah Wisdom and Recipes
Havdalah Service
URJ's Everything You Need to Know about Shabbat Services

Beth Am Shabbat Evening Service Structure
Social Story, Friday Shabbat - Sanctuary

Shabbat Shalom From Our Beth Am Family

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785