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PreK-5th Grade Programs

Chavurah Family Program (Families with 3- to 5-year-olds)
Sunday Program (PreK-5th Grades)

Hagigah Theater Education Program (2nd-5th Grades)
The Zimriyah (Tot-5th Grades)

Chavurah Family Program (Families with 3- to 5-year-olds)
Meets one-two Sundays (9:00-11:30 a.m.) monthly throughout the year, plus various Fridays for Shabbat
Join us for Chavurah, a program for 3- to 5-year-olds* and their families! In our small cohort, families will meet twice a month for singing, playing, learning and more! Build relationships with other young families, learn together with your child about Jewish values and traditions, and experience Jewish life and community in real time. Click here for the 5785 calendar.
*4- to 5-year old students can choose from Chavurah, Sunday Program or both!

Sunday Program (PreK-5th Grades)
Sundays from 9:00-11:30 AM

In our “traditional” Jewish education model, our students experience joyful Judaism, exploring topics such as holidays, Torah and traditions. Our student community gathers together for a vibrant t’filah (worship) each week and specialists enrich classroom learning with music, art, library and more.

Fall Camp (2nd-5th Grade)
Friday, November 1-Sunday, November 3

Beth Am goes to camp! In place of regular Sunday Program November 1-3, students will head to URJ Camp Newman in beautiful Santa Rosa for a weekend of learning, connecting, and fun! Stay tuned for more details.

Hagigah Theater Education Program (2nd-5th Grades)
Wednesdays, 4:00-6:30 PM (2nd-4th Grade), 3:30-6:30 PM (5th Grade - includes Hebrew)

Hagigah is our one-of-a-kind theater education program for elementary-aged students. Through the production of an original fall play and spring musical or film, participants explore a major Jewish learning theme. Each session, students conclude with a lively t'filah.

The Zimriyah - Beth Am's Junior Choir (Tot-5th Grades)
Monthly Fridays before and during Shabbat services, 5:15-7:30 PM

Calling all singers! When you sing in the shower, do you ever think, "hey, that sounds pretty good!"? Do you just like singing along with the songs on the radio? If you answered "yes," then the Zimriyah is the place for you!

Led by Cantor Shpall, the Zimriyah meets monthly on Fridays at 5:15 PM to learn and practice a few songs. Then, they break for dinner and participate in the service that starts at 6:15 PM. There are occasional "off campus" gigs as well! New singers are always welcome - no prior choir experience necessary!

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785