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Poltava/Odesa Committee

Supporting Our Sister Congregations in Ukraine:
Congregation Beth Am of Poltava and Shirat Ha-Yam of Odesa

The Poltava/Odesa Committee supports two progressive Jewish communities in the Former Soviet Union (FSU), Congregation Beth Am of Poltava and Shirat Ha-Yam of Odesa. This is a collaborative venture under the auspices of Congregation Beth Am, Los Altos Hills and the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ).

During these trying times, our friends in Ukraine need us more than ever before. Many have had to flee their homes with nothing more than what they can carry. Others are still in Kyiv, Poltava and Odesa to fight for their freedom and  democracy. Innocent people are suffering. Please visit our Crisis In Ukraine page to learn how Congregation Beth Am is taking action to make a positive difference.

Congregation Beth Am of Poltava
Various political and economic challenges have reduced the membership of Congregation Beth Am of Poltava. Congregation Beth Am of Poltava leadership has been and continues to be strong for this small but powerful community. Recently, they were able to halt construction on Poltava City land of apartment buildings that would have concealed a killing field where an atrocity had taken place. They have since planted trees in honor of the people who perished there and in celebration of Lag BaOmer.

Visit Congregation Beth Am of Poltava on:

Shirat Ha-Yam of Odesa
Rabbi Julia Gris is the spiritual leader of Shirat Ha-Yam, developing the community by creating year-round family-oriented programs that celebrate our Jewish heritage. There are approximately 200 members of Shirat Ha-Yam with the potential of enlarging community engagement from among the almost 45,000 Jews in Odesa.

Visit Shirat ha-Yam Congregation Odesa on:
Facebook  |  YouTube

Netzer, the WUPJ’s Youth Group, has a very energized program that instills a progressive Jewish lifestyle. The Beth Am Poltava/Odesa Committee looks forward to help build this relationship while continuing to support our friends in Poltava.

Visit Netzer-Odesa on:
Facebook  |  Instagram

The Poltava/Odesa Fund supports our sister congregations in Ukraine: Congregation Beth Am of Poltava and Shirat Ha-Yam of Odesa. Please consider making a gift to this fund to help us carry out our vision.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785