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Named & Special Funds

General Fund
Contributions go where the need is greatest, as determined by our Board of Directors. Supports the annual operation budget of the congregation.

Anida Hamburg Fund for Youth Programs
Benefits children enrolled in Beth Am’s youth education through programs and activities.

The Ann and Arnold Redmund Scholarship Fund for Membership and Education
Provides financial assistance for Beth Am membership and educational opportunities.

Aptekar Family Endowment Fund for Film
Supports the Shabbat Series and other film programs for various audiences at Beth Am.

Annual Campaign
Contributions to the Annual Campaign are used where the need is greatest, as determined by our Board of Directors. Gifts to the Annual Campaign are directed into the General Fund, to support the annual operating budget of the congregation.

Beit R'fuah
Beth Am’s support group for those coping with mental health issues and the family and friends who help and sustain them.

Beth Am Men
Supports programs for men in our congregation including social, educational and tzedakah activities.

Beth Am Women
Supports programs for women in our congregation including social, educational and tzedakah activities.

Beth Am Women's Count Your Blessings Fund
Contributions enable Beth Am Women to support programming and events for Beth Am Women, our congregation and beyond.

Beth Am Women Dues
Supports programs for women in our congregation including social, educational and tzedakah activities.

Book of Memory Fund
Supports the annual High Holy Day book to honor the memory of loved ones.

California Jewish Heritage Fund
Sponsors special programs and speakers relating to the history and experience of the Jewish people in California and the West.

Dayenu Fund for Sustainability
Supports the effort to make the Beth Am campus more environmentally friendly.

Discretionary Funds
Discretionary funds are intended for charitable purposes for programs that generally benefit the congregation, but not for normal operating expenses or personal use. They are also used to make charitable contributions to other non-profit organizations, at the discretion of the clergy and educators.

Education Endowment Fund
Supports the general operations of Beth Am education programs.

Ernst Guthaner Endowment Fund for Cultural and Educational Programming
Sponsors special programs relating to Jewish culture and education. Examples include programs and guest speakers on literature, poetry, theater, music, history, the Holocaust and various fields of Jewish learning.

Equal Start
Beth Am’s social justice initiative whose goal is creating access to high-quality early learning for all California children from birth to five years of age.

From Strength to Strength Campaign
Supports general synagogue operations, professional team housing assistance, new programs, and facility upgrades.

Fund for the Future Endowment
Supports the general operations of the congregation.

Hunger & Homelessness Fund
Provides support to organizations assisting the needy, including the Ecumenical Hunger Project, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, the Palo Alto Urban Ministry and Peninsula Interfaith Action.

Include Beth Am
Supports the work of Beth Am’s Inclusion Director and the congregation’s efforts to promote and sustain a culture of diversity and inclusion through guest speakers, events and mentors.

Israel Awareness Fund
Israel Awareness programming educates the Beth Am Community about the crucial role played by the State of Israel, as a spiritual center, an American ally, and as a refuge for Jews subject to persecution. Programming offers regular opportunities for congregants to hear from expert speakers, learn about the land and people of Israel, and enjoy Israeli culture.

Jack & Fay Ruby Camp Fund
Provides needs-based camperships for Beth Am youth to attend Jewish summer camps.

Jacob Erber Steinberg Youth Programming and Scholarship Fund
Supports youth education programs and other youth programming at Beth Am. Provides need-based full or partial scholarships for Beth Am youth to participate in youth programs. May include scholarship support for youth opportunities outside Beth Am, such as Jewish camp, leadership training programs or Israel trips.

Jewish and Israel Advocacy Committee Fund
Supports educational programs and action alerts relating to Israel and antisemitism.

Joe Podolsky Visual History Fund
Supports the ongoing effort to maintain a visual history of Congregation Beth Am and to foster an appreciation of photographic, audio, and video media as a means to enhance and document our lives.

Library Book Program Fund
Supports the purchase of books for the Beth Am library.

Loebner Holocaust Remembrance Fund
Promotes education and awareness concerning the Holocaust through a yearly event or activity and other suitable means.

Lori Levinson Luft Adult Education Fund
Supports lifelong learning programs, provides scholarships for congregants in need of assistance and helps Beth Am to develop and launch new programs.

Marder Endowment for Living Torah
Supports educational and worship programs and opportunities.

Milton I. Liebhaber Oneg and Holiday Fund
Provides support for Oneg Shabbat and holiday refreshments.

The Orchard Fund
Supports Beth Am's programming opportunities for young adults.

Phyllis Koch Music & Art Fund
Supports musical and other cultural programming at Beth Am.

Poltava/Odessa Fund
Supports our sister congregations in Ukraine: Congregation Beth Am of Poltava and Shirat Ha-Yam of Odessa.

Progressive Judaism Worldwide Fund
Supports the Reform movement in Israel and around the world, through our partnership with ARZA and WUPJ.

Rabbi Akselrad Lectureship Fund
Supports lecturers and programs that focus on social justice, ethics and/or human relations.

Richard & Caroline Hoffman Library Fund
Supports our librarian and Library Committee in advancing the work of the library such as acquiring new publications, supplies, media or other equipment.

Saxe Family Scholar-in-Residence Endowment Fund
Supports an annual scholar-in-residence program at Congregation Beth Am.

Seiler Family Fund for Youth & Young Families Engagement
Funds staff, scholarships and programs that engage youth and families with young children in the community of Congregation Beth Am.  

Social Action Emergency Relief Fund
Enables Beth Am to provide a rapid response to national or international emergencies.

Tzedakah Box
Supports the organizations chosen each month as the Beth Am Tzedakah Box beneficiaries.

Worship Fund
Supports Shabbat and festival programming, purchase and replacement of the congregation’s prayer books and repair or purchase of ritual items.

Youth Education, Camp and Israel Scholarship Fund
Provides needs-based scholarships for Beth Am youth to participate in formal and informal youth education, including classes, camp and trips to Israel.

Youth Group Fund
Supports Beth Am Junior Youth (BAJY — Grades 6th-8th) and Beth Am Temple Youth (BATY — Grades 9th-12th) programming.

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785