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Congregation Beth Am has one of the finest synagogue libraries in Northern California. Started in 1959 by our congregants Richard and Caroline Hoffman, our large library collection currently contains over 10,000 books covering a wide range of Judaic topics such as Bible, spirituality, history, biography, fiction, travel, cooking, art and much more. We are especially proud of our extensive children's collection. Please note that the Beth Am Library is not accepting donations of any kind at this time.

Hours & Assistance
Online Catalog
Support the Library
Book / DVD Sponsorship Program
Contact Us

The Library is open whenever the Beth Am campus is open. Please feel free to come in and browse our collection. Make sure to sign out any books that you are borrowing. During the school year, the library is staffed from 3:30 to 5:30 PM, Tuesday-Thursday, and on Sunday mornings when Sunday Program is in session. During the summer, the Library is generally staffed Tuesday through Thursday. Library committee volunteers are available to assist congregants with their library needs.

Online Catalog: In addition to our circulating books, we have many reference resources covering the Bible, Talmud, Jewish encyclopedias, genealogy, Hebrew/English dictionaries and other areas. The library also has a large video collection, with over 250 titles available for checkout. The Library has a state-of-the-art Judaica Library Computer Catalog system — books and videotapes may be searched by author, title, subject or keyword. Search our online catalog.

Support the Beth Am Library:

The Richard & Caroline Hoffman Library Fund supports our librarian and Library Committee in advancing the work of the library such as acquiring new publications, supplies, media or other equipment.

The Library Book Program Fund supports the purchase of books for the Beth Am library.

Please consider making a gift to one of these funds in honor or memory of a loved one. Generous donations have helped make it possible to continue to grow our collections.

Book / DVD Sponsorship Program: The Library’s new Book / DVD Sponsorship Program supports the Beth Am library and provides an opportunity to honor birthday or holiday celebrations. Contribute $18 for the purchase of a book or DVD in the name of child or adult you would like to honor or celebrate. The Library will place an acknowledgement plate in the book/DVD celebrating the honoree and will send him/her an acknowledgement with the title. It’s a great way to support our Library and honor a loved one of any age! Please email library@betham.org to find out about purchasing a library book / DVD in honor of a special person in your life!

Contact Us: We welcome the opportunity to provide additional information. Please email inquires to library@betham.org or leave a message in the Library voicemail at (650) 493-4661, x225.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785