Holidays Continue 5785 | 2024
Holidays Continue 2024 | 5785: October 16-24
Sukkot, the most joyous of Jewish holidays, offers us an opportunity to connect with the natural world and give thanks for the autumn harvest. On Simchat Torah, Jews around the world complete the reading of the Torah and begin anew with the first words of Genesis. And on Shemini Atzeret we recite yizkor (memorial) prayers in remembrance of our loved ones. Celebrate and observe in person and/or virtually with Beth Am.
- Community Sukkah Build
- Erev Shabbat Service & Sukkot Celebration With Kindergarten Consecration
- Tot Shabbat in the Sukkah With Guest Mimi Greisman
- The Orchard Sukkot Tikkun Olam Event
- Beth Am Women Sukkot Celebration
- Sukkah Take-Down
- FarmMitzvah Erev Shabbat Service With Guest Speaker Belinda Hernandez-Arriaga
Erev Simchat Torah Service & Celebration
Atzeret-Simchat Torah Morning Service & Yizkor
Community Sukkah Build
Sunday, October 13, 10:00 AM, Social Hall Patio
This is a family affair, so bring your able-bodied children who are big enough to help without getting hurt (we recommend kids ageds 11+). We have all the parts, but we need lots of help to put it together. If you have any power tools, please bring them along — gloves are a good idea, too!
Erev Shabbat Service & Sukkot Celebration With Kindergarten Consecration
Friday, October 18, 6:15 PM, Sanctuary & Livestream
Join us for our Consecration service as we welcome our kindergartners and others beginning their Jewish education onto the bima to be blessed by our clergy in the presence of their families and the congregation. Students will also receive a special gift to help them remember this day of celebration! A festive Sukkot Oneg Shabbat will follow in the Social Hall.
Tot Shabbat in the Sukkah With Guest Mimi Greisman
Saturday, October 19, 9:30 AM, Beth Am Sukkah
Come celebrate Shabbat with other families and tots! At this morning service, we are excited to welcome Mimi Greisman, an engaging, experienced Jewish educator, to celebrate Shabbat with us! Mimi will lead us in fun songs and games, and since it will also be Sukkot, we’ll spend some time in our beautiful sukkah, enjoying the outdoors and playing games appropriate for the holiday.
The Orchard Sukkot Tikkun Olam Event
Sunday, October 20, 1:00 PM, Foothills Nature Preserve, Los Altos Hills
Celebrate Sukkot by giving back to the earth and our community! This is a chance to connect with nature, lend a hand and experience the spirit of Sukkot through tikkun olam (repairing the world). Learn more and RSVP.
Beth Am Women Sukkot Celebration
Sunday, October 20, 2:00 PM, Location provided with registration
All women are invited to celebrate Sukkot with Beth Am Women (BAW)! Come shake the lulav and say the blessings! Then, schmooze with old and new friends. Wine and light refreshments will be served. Registration required.
Erev Simchat Torah Service & Celebration
Wednesday, October 23, 5:30 PM, Sanctuary & Livestream; Community Dinner in the Social Hall
On Simchat Torah, Jews around the world complete the reading of the Torah and begin anew with the first words of Genesis. Join us to dance and celebrate the Torah. A community dinner will follow in the Social Hall.
Atzeret-Simchat Torah Morning Service & Yizkor
Thursday, October 24, 9:30 AM, Sanctuary & Livestream; Brunch to Follow in the Social Hall
At the end of the fall holiday season, it is customary to recite yizkor (memorial prayers) in remembrance of our loved ones. (To have a loved one's name read at the service, please complete the request form by Tuesday, October 22, 2:00 PM.) This festival service also includes the chanting of Hallel (Psalms of Praise). A light brunch will be served.
Sukkah Take Down
Friday, October 25, 10:00 AM, Social Hall Patio
Want to help take down the sukkah? If you have any power tools, please bring them along — gloves are a good idea too!
FarmMitzvah Erev Shabbat Service With Guest Speaker Belinda Hernandez-Arriaga
Friday, October 25, 6:15 PM, Sanctuary and Livestream
Our guest speaker during the Erev Shabbat service will be Belinda Hernandez-Arriaga, founder and executive director of ALAS, a social service nonprofit and farmworker advocacy group based in Half Moon Bay. The group supports farmworkers with services that include a food pantry, water deliveries and mental health services. If you can help, Beth Am’s FarmMitzvah Task Force is again collecting $15 Safeway gift cards to be distributed by ALAS.
Learn more about High Holy Days 2024 with Beth Am.
Congregation Beth Am | 26790 Arastradero Road | Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 | (650) 493-4661
We strive to live as a holy community whose study and practice of Judaism inspires and challenges us to "do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with our God" (Micah 6:8).
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