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High Holy Days 2023 | 5784 Leadership Message

Dear Friends,

The High Holy Days are approaching, and with them, an opportunity for reflection and renewal. After a challenging year in the life of this congregation, we pray that the new year brings with it reconciliation, healing and growth for all of us, individually and as a community. To that end, there will be special opportunities for learning and reflection on cheshbon hanefesh, an accounting of the soul, and the process of teshuvah during the month of Elul.

May these Days of Awe bring us closer to one another and closer to the Holy One, as our High Holy Day liturgy says, “Bring us back to You, Eternal One, that we come back. Renew our days as of old.”

Wishing you a good and sweet new year — shanah tovah u’m’tukah.

Rabbi Gary Greenebaum
Rabbi Jonathan Prosnit
Cantor Jaime Shpall
Rabbi Heath Watenmaker
Rabbi Sarah Weissman
Amy Gerstein, Beth Am President

Learn more about High Holy Days 2023 with Beth Am.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784