Thursday Morning Minyan
Past SessionsThursday, March 27, 2025 • 27 Adar 5785 - 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - Zoom Videoconference
Thursday, March 20, 2025 • 20 Adar 5785 - 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - Zoom Videoconference
Thursday, March 13, 2025 • 13 Adar 5785 - 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - Zoom Videoconference
Thursday, March 6, 2025 • 6 Adar 5785 - 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - Zoom Videoconference
Each Thursday morning at 8:00 AM, a sacred space is formed as the Thursday Morning Minyan begins on Zoom. Led by Beth Am congregant Louise Stirpe-Gill and “hosted” by Joan M. Karlin, each week participants pray the weekday service and take turns teaching the parashah for that week.
The weekly minyan meeting started about 15 years ago when a congregant’s father passed away. After one week of daily minyanim, the group transitioned to once a week. The inspiration came from the fact that market days in the ancient Middle East were Mondays, Thursdays and Shabbat, so those became the traditional days to read Torah. It was decided that the newly formed Minyan would meet on Thursday mornings in the Beth Am Chapel.
Thanks to Beth Am clergy, Beth Am members join the minyan when they have lost a loved one or are honoring a yahrzeit. When the pandemic hit in 2020, the Thursday minyan quickly moved to Zoom and more people began participating.
Over the course of the pandemic year, Louise has added evocative poetry to the service. Participants have been very creative, sharing their interpretations of Torah. The empathy and support that we give to one another warms our sacred virtual space.
Please join the Beth Am Thursday Morning Minyan, just a Zoom away. Bring your coffee and an open heart that will be touched by a caring community.
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Thu, March 27 2025
27 Adar 5785
Upcoming Events

US National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism: What Steps Have Been Taken, What Is the New Administration Doing?
Thursday, Mar 27th 7:00p to 8:30pTed Deutch, AJC’s CEO and respected former Congressman, shares the inside story on development, implementation, and future of US’s first National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism - live discussion and reception.

Reception With Guest Speaker Ted Deutch, AJC CEO
Thursday, Mar 27th 8:30p to 9:30pFollowing his presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to meet Ted and continue the conversation at a reception in his honor in the Social Hall.

Israel Discussion Gatherings
Friday, Mar 28th 5:15p to 6:15pJoin with other Beth Am members every Friday before the Erev Shabbat service for time to reflect, discuss and listen to one another as we navigate this terribly challenging time for Israel and Jews around the world.

Erev Shabbat Service
Friday, Mar 28th 6:15p to 7:30pOur worship services are musical, participatory and informal in spirit; they focus on helping us experience the spiritual renewal, peace, joy and sense of celebration that Shabbat can bring.

Illustrated Medieval Haggadot
Shabbat, Mar 29th 4:00p to 5:30pThis presentation examines several of the most beautiful and interesting examples of the illustrated medieval Haggadah, comparing the variety of styles, images and artistry among them.
Congregation Beth Am | 26790 Arastradero Road | Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 | (650) 493-4661
We strive to live as a holy community whose study and practice of Judaism inspires and challenges us to "do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with our God" (Micah 6:8).
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