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Erev Shabbat Chanukah Service (Zimriyah Jr. Choir Sings)

Friday, December 8, 2023 25 Kislev 5784

6:15 PM - 7:30 PMSanctuary*; Livestreamed

During the Erev Shabbat service, our Zimriyah Jr. Choir will be singing.

Bring your own chanukiyah and three candles as we celebrate the second night of Chanukah together during our Erev Shabbat service. Our community will gather in the Sanctuary as we light our chanukiyot together and enjoy a festive Chanukah Shabbat service. We will also have the chance to meet our new Executive Director Jeremy Ragent and his family for their first Shabbat at Beth Am when our clergy will have the opportunity to offer a special blessing for Jeremy, his family and our community.

The celebration will continue after the service in the Social Hall, complete with latkes and sufganiyot! Come say shalom and baruch haba (welcome) to Jeremy and his family.

Chanukah Family Celebration
The whole congregation — and families in particular — are invited to come to the Social Hall at 5:30 PM prior to the Erev Shabbat service to spin the dreidel, eat some yummy snacks and explore some Chanukah-themed crafts.

Learn more about Chanukah 2023 with Beth Am.

If you attend virtually, please join the livestream starting at 6:15 PM. You may follow along in our texts for the Erev (evening) Shabbat service using the digital version (available for purchase) of the Mishkan T'filah: A Reform Siddur.

To enhance your enjoyment of Shabbat, please visit betham.org/shabbatcorner (including "Social Stories" in the Resource Box to prepare children ahead of time for what to expect during the Shabbat service).

*These services will be live video streamed. By entering the Sanctuary you give Beth Am permission to record you.

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784