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Philosophy Minyan

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 25 Tammuz 5784

12:00 PM - 1:30 PMZoom Videoconference

Verklempt, Farblondzhet & Fartutst:  Jews and Emotions

If you’ve been feeling a little verklempt (overcome with emotion) lately, you are in good company! Jewish tradition has been dealing with emotions since the Garden of Eden and, not surprisingly, has a lot to say about this aspect of the human experience. Our contemporary world is giving us plenty of reasons to feel fartutst (discombobulated or disoriented) as we try to cope, navigate and respond individually and as a community. But we need not feel hopelessly farblondzhet (lost or confused). In this session we will explore Jewish thought about human emotions across centuries and cultures for insights that are relevant and helpful today.

The Philosophy Minyan is a monthly lunchtime series on Zoom. All are welcome to join in an interactive and thought-provoking exploration of topics at the intersection of philosophy, Jewish thought and contemporary issues. No advance reading is required and participants will receive online access to all the class materials following each session.

Be sure to check the Beth Am calendar for future class descriptions and any schedule changes, as well as to register for individual sessions.

If you would like to be added to the email list for monthly Philosophy Minyan reminders and the Zoom link, or have a great topic you would like to suggest, please contact Shelley.

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784