Philosophy Minyan
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 • 21 Sh'vat 5785
12:00 PM - 1:30 PMZoom VideoconferenceColonies, Communists and Community
As we continue to watch what may unfold at the U.S. border with Mexico in 2025 with great concern, we will travel back in time to a border town where thousands of Jewish refugees gathered in the late 19th century. The town was Brody, located on a railroad line just a few miles from the border of Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. With a centuries-old history as a thriving center of Jewish life, Brody was deluged by thousands of desperate refugees fleeing violent pogroms. Yet within this tumultuous time, seeds were being planted that would grow in the soils of other nations around the world, from Canada and America, to Argentina and Israel. A visionary movement known as Am Olam brought hope, idealism and a way forward in a dark time. Join us as we explore why and discover personal connections to this fascinating but often overlooked chapter in the Jewish story.
The Philosophy Minyan is a monthly lunchtime series on Zoom. All are welcome to join in an interactive and thought-provoking exploration of topics at the intersection of philosophy, Jewish thought and contemporary issues. No advance reading is required and participants will receive online access to all the class materials following each session.
Be sure to check the Beth Am calendar for future class descriptions and any schedule changes, as well as to register for individual sessions.
If you would like to be added to the email list for monthly Philosophy Minyan reminders and the Zoom link, or have a great topic you would like to suggest, please contact Shelley.
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Thu, March 13 2025
13 Adar 5785
Upcoming Events

Teen Challah Fundraiser — Supporting Youth in the Foster Care System
Friday, Mar 21st 5:00p to 6:15pPlease help support Beth Am teen fundraising efforts by purchasing a homemade challah in support of teens in the foster care network.

Community Services Agency (CSA) Pantry Help
Monday, Mar 24th 9:30a to 12:30pHelp out our neighbors at the Community Services Agency in Mountain View.

Distribute Breakfast at Hope’s Corner
Wednesday, Mar 26th 7:00a to 9:30aBeth Am is part of an interfaith group providing meals to Hope's Corner in Mountain View. We are in need of adult (aged 16+) volunteers to do food preparation under the direction of Hope’s Corner staff.

Erev Shabbat Service: Beth Am Welcomes Akselrad Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Sanford Akselrad
Friday, Apr 25th 6:15p to 7:30pRabbi Akselrad will speak about his father during our Erev Shabbat service. An oneg Shabbat will follow.

"Love in the Time of Corona": Book Discussion and Havdalah With Rabbi Sanford Akselrad
Shabbat, Apr 26th 4:00p to 6:00pRabbi Akselrad will present a program based on his new book, "Love in the Time of Corona". It is a series of approximately 100 essays written during COVID, which depict the roller coaster ride we all went through.
Congregation Beth Am | 26790 Arastradero Road | Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 | (650) 493-4661
We strive to live as a holy community whose study and practice of Judaism inspires and challenges us to "do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with our God" (Micah 6:8).
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