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Shabbat Dinner to Support Ukraine (in a Congregant Home)

Friday, April 12, 2024 4 Nisan 5784

8:00 PM - 10:00 PMDonna and Craig Seidel (RSVP for location information)*

Welcome Shabbat with a special evening of blessing the candles, challah and wine, and getting to know one another! Meet new friends, enjoy the hospitality of special hosts, relax and enjoy a delicious dinner prepared especially for you by some of the best home chefs in the Beth Am community. These are perfect small-group settings for making and renewing connections, while supporting our sister congregations in Poltava and Odessa as they fight for democracy. 

All proceeds from the dinners will support our sister congregations in Ukraine, Congregation Beth Am of Poltava and Shirat Ha-Yam of Odessa.

Dinner cost is $75 per person. Register by Friday, April 5 using the form below. Please indicate food allergies so that they can be considered when designing the contents of the meal. Dinners fill up quickly, so please register soon.

Questions? Please contact Judy at (408) 374-8331.

*Please note that exact dinner times may vary. You will receive notification of the dinner time and location after you register.

Other upcoming dinners:


This form closed on 2024-04-05 23:59:00.
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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784