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Chanukah Celebration: Building Friendships Between SF Bay Area Jewish Families and Israeli Families Evacuated From Their Homes

Sunday, December 10, 2023 27 Kislev 5784

9:00 AM - 10:00 AMZoom

Help build lasting and flourishing friendships between families and communities in the Bay Area, and families and communities in the north-western Negev (Eshkol region) in Israel, which are currently evacuated. Bay Area participants will join with families from Kibbutz Holit and Kibbutz Sufa (both currently evacuated) for Chanukah candlelighting, over Zoom.

Space is limited, please register to participate!

Can't join on Sunday, but interested in participating in the future? Please complete the form, especially, if you have kids who would like to participate and connect with Israeli kids.  Our hope is to build deep and meaningful friendships.

Any questions? Please email Sandy.

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784