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BAJY's Haman's Hotdog Happening

Thursday, March 13, 2025 13 Adar 5785

6:00 PM - 8:00 PMRoom 5/6

They tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat (hotdogs)! Come celebrate Purim with Beth Am Junior Youth Group (BAJY) at a happening party*, complete with food, costumes and games! All 6th-8th graders are invited and encouraged to come in costume.

*Attention Parents: Please be sure to register Beth Am's Adult Purim Celebration happening at the same time as the BAJY party!

Learn more about Purim 2025 with Beth Am.


BAJY-ite Information

We'll email event info to your BAJY-ite as well as to you. 
This number will only be shared with BAJY staff.

We'll email event info to your BAJY-ite as well as to you. 
This number will only be shared with BAJY staff.

Parent/Guardian Information

Dietary/Medical Information

BAJY is a self-funded program. The cost for this event represents only the direct costs for the program.  We never turn anyone away due to financial need. Therefore, any amount you are able to donate beyond the event cost will help ensure that everyone who would like to attend is able to do so, regardless of finances. Thank you!

Please contact Leah Shapiro, Youth Engagement Program Director, with questions! leah_shapiro@betham.org

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Sat, February 22 2025 24 Sh'vat 5785