B'nei Mitzvah Preparation
B'nei Mitzvah Preparation
Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Beth Am
Beit Midrash
New to Beth Am
After Becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah
B'nei Mitzvah at Beth Am: Celebrating becoming B'nei Mitzvah in our Congregation Beth Am community is a beautiful milestone along your child's journey of lifelong Jewish learning.
Students prepare to lead a congregational worship service, to chant from the Torah and Haftarah (Prophets) portions of the day, and to teach about the Torah or Prophets portion by writing a D’var Torah or D’var Haftarah. These years of study impart the knowledge, skills and confidence for a successful Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration. Most important, they help our students develop a strong connection to the Beth Am community and lay the foundation for a positive lifelong Jewish identity.
Approximately 24 months before your child’s 13th birthday (usually the spring of the 5th grade year), you will be invited to fill out and return a form indicating your preferred dates for your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah service. You will also have the opportunity to choose a partner (another student who will share the Bar/Bat Mitzvah with your child). If you prefer, we can select a partner for your child. After you have returned the form listing your preferences, you will receive a written confirmation of your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah date and partner.
At Congregation Beth Am we believe that every young person deserves the opportunity to celebrate becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. We know that not all students learn the same way, they do not have the same natural talents or abilities, and they come from very different life experiences. We are committed to working with every student, and to making this event a truly positive and enriching experience for every family. Contact: B'nei Mitzvah Coordinator
Beit Midrash Program: The final seven months of preparation happen in our Beit Midrash program, our cohort-based B'nei Mitzvah preparation program. Students meet weekly to learn and practice their prayers with our tutors, madrichim, and Cantor Shpall. Learn more about Beit Midrash.
Eligibility: Students become eligible for Bar/Bat Mitzvah upon:
- Reaching their 13th birthday.
- Enrollment in our Youth Education Programs.
Jewish Day School Students: Jewish day school students will also attend Beit Midrash and are encouraged to attend our 6th and 7th grade Youth Education program in order to make friends in the Beth Am community and go through the journey with their cohort.
New to Beth Am: Please be in touch if you are new to Beth Am so that we can help welcome your child into our learning community no matter what their educational background may be.
After Becoming B'nei Mitzvah: B'nei Mitzvah is a milestone — not a termination point. Students who become Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Congregation Beth Am are strongly encouraged to continue their Jewish education and engagement at Beth Am, through high school. Learn more about our Teen Programs here!
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Parent Checklist
B'nei Mitzvah Journey
Tzedakah/Tikkun Olam Projects
Honors & Worksheets
Information for Guests
Facilities & Event Information
Audio Archive for B'nei Mitzvah Prayers & Torah Blessings (for before and after reading from the Torah)
Congregation Beth Am | 26790 Arastradero Road | Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 | (650) 493-4661
We strive to live as a holy community whose study and practice of Judaism inspires and challenges us to "do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with our God" (Micah 6:8).
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