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Support Israel
Libeinu bamizrach — our hearts are in the East. On October 7, what should have been a day of rejoicing and delight in Torah was turned to one of darkness and tragedy as we received the terrible news of terror and devastation in Israel. Our hearts ache for the loss of life, the pain and suffering, and the uncertainty cast over Israel. Hundreds of Israelis have been killed, with thousands wounded, thousands of rockets have bombarded Israel, and an unknown number of civilians and soldiers are being held hostage. Learn how you can help.

Crisis in Ukraine
During these trying times, our friends in Ukraine need us more than ever before. Many have had to flee their homes with nothing more than what they can carry. Others are still in Kyiv, Poltava and Odessa to fight for their freedom and  democracy. Innocent people are suffering. At this point, Beth Am is evaluating the needs of our Ukrainian friends and is providing funds for special projects. Find out how you can help.

Beth Am Welcomes Jeremy Ragent, Our New Executive Director
As Beth Am President Amy Gerstein shared with the community in a message before the High Holy Days, the Executive Director Search Task Force has been working hard to find the right person to help lead us into an exciting new future at Beth Am. We are delighted to introduce you to Beth Am’s talented new Executive Director, Jeremy Ragent.

Chevra Kadisha Candle Project
One of the three important tasks of Congregation Beth Am’s Chevra Kadisha (Jewish burial society) is to support those in our community who are mourning the death of a loved one. Recently the Chevra Kadisha partnered with our youth programs to find a new way to reach out to those marking a first yahrzeit, a first anniversary of death.

Community Circles: Building community and friendships through shared interests.
Beth Am Community Circles are your place to connect more intentionally with other members around a shared interest or life stage. Community Circles are affinity groups open to members of Congregation Beth Am and coordinated by congregants. Help start the group you are looking for!


Registration Is Now Open for the Summer 2024 Beth Am FAMILY Trip to Israel!
Trip Dates: June 12-23, 2024

Next summer, join Rabbi Heath Watenmaker, his wife, Amy, and their family, on a 12-day Beth Am Family Trip to Israel (operated by J2 Adventures)! A trip itinerary and details are now available.


Sign Up for Beth Am's Adult Trip to Greece and Israel — Only a Few Spots Left!
Join Orna Morad and Rabbi Sarah Weissman for an unforgettable trip to Greece and Israel, March 4-18, 2024. Together, we will explore some of the most famous sites in Athens, then travel to the "Jerusalem of Greece," Thessaloniki, to learn more about the Jewish community that once flourished there. We will then make our way to Israel, where we will spend time in Jerusalem, Sde Boker and Tel Aviv. This trip is open to Beth Am members as well as other members of the wider Jewish community. Please contact Orna or Rabbi Sarah for more information.

Caregivers Sh'ma Groups
Are you caring for an elder or spouse or loved one? If you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone. You can take part in a Sh’ma Group — not therapy, but a safe and friendly virtual space for sharing stories. This group format has proved successful here at Beth Am, helping us to start meaningful, supportive conversations. You will have guidelines for suggested topics and respectful interaction. You can easily form or join a group; the leadership duties are minimal and help from clergy is continually available. 

Help Beth Am Thrive

November Fund in Focus: Ernst Guthaner Fund for Cultural and Educational Programming
Each year the Guthaner Fund makes possible outstanding guest speakers for our Beth Am community. This month we will welcome University of Pennsylvania lecturer Joseph Benatov.

https://images.shulcloud.com/7738/377405_orig.jpgThe Beth Am 2023-24 Annual Campaign Needs Each One of Us
Beth Am is committed to being the center of your Jewish life, a place to find meaning and fulfillment, and a safe and loving space for all who seek it. As we embark on our new synagogue year, we must renew our commitment to each other, and to the financial health of our congregation.


Beth Am's November Tzedakah Box: Leket Israel
Israel's southern residents are facing an unrelenting emergency, and they need our immediate support. Leket Israel has launched three emergency relief programs, working hand in hand with local non-profit organizations to address the pressing needs of those at risk.

Beth Am Hunger & Homelessness Winter Campaign
As our calendar turns to winter months and the temperatures on the thermometer drop, at Beth Am we take the time to recognize that there are many in our local community who are struggling to find adequate housing and food. We ask you to be as generous as possible with your end of the year giving.


Beth Am Heat Pump Project Wins SVCE Electric Showcase Award
Last year Beth Am, with the assistance of consultants funded by Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), completed a major electrification project to replace our gas-powered heating system for the Sanctuary and Social Hall with an efficient electric heat pump. As an added benefit, our new system provides both heating and cooling. We were recently notified that the project won the SVCE Electric Showcase Award for demonstrating leadership and experience in transitioning to electric technologies.

Mitzvah Opportunity
Congregation Beth Am and The Orchard are collecting diapers and formula (unopened) to donate to  Ayudando Latinos A Soñar (ALAS), a wonderful organization in Half Moon Bay that works directly with individuals and families on the San Mateo Coast. ALAS is dedicated to working for social wellness through multicultural practices, mental health care, individualized and collective support related to education, immigration processes and work, as well as advocating for the wellbeing of the whole community. Diapers can be a significant expense for many families, and ALAS's diaper distribution is a way to help families on the margins. Please consider bring any diapers, and unopened wipes or baby formula for donation. Thank you!


Adult Education Opportunities: Come Learn Something New!
Our schedule of learning opportunities continues. Please visit the Adult Education webpage for full class descriptions and registration information.

Parent Wisdom Circle
All parents of PreK-5th Graders are welcome to drop into any session of Parent Wisdom Circle. We start our morning with coffee, bagels and schmoozing, then discuss parenting challenges, and share resources and ideas with each other. Parent Wisdom Circle is facilitated by Melissa Kelley, LMFT, a Beth Am member and parent.


Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784