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Pursue Justice Presents Pinot & Postcards

Thursday, March 28, 2024 18 Adar II 5784

4:00 PM - 6:00 PMBeit Kehillah

Join for a postcard party to write postcards for Reclaim Our Vote (ROV), focused on voter suppression states, targeting BIPOC voters for the Georgia May 21 Congressional primary and the Virginia June 18 Congressional primary.

Refreshments and all supplies (including stamps) will be provided. Come build the community bonds for tzedek with fellow democracy warriors. Come write postcards, nibble and schmooze, or drop in to pick up supplies. Everyone is welcome. Feel free to bring a friend.

The postcard writing will be non-partisan cards for Reclaim Our Vote (ROV), focused on voter suppression states. Currently they are targeting BIPOC voters for the Georgia May 21 Congressional primary and the Virginia June 18 Congressional primary, both for early voting. Postcards need to be mailed May 1-6, and May 7-21, respectively.

Thank you all for your dedication to writing postcards. This effort is a step toward saving our democracy. You have reached voters who didn’t know that they were purged from the voters’ roll, giving them time to re-register. You have increased the turnout in important special elections and runoffs. You reached infrequent voters and increased their participation. You ARE making a difference.

This action aligns with the Religious Action Center (RAC) “Every Voice, Every Vote” campaign. As The Center for Common Ground writes: “We know that democracy works best when everyone is invited to participate in it… Together, we can build a democracy that prioritizes the voices of ALL people.”

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